Debra Monticciolo
FSBI Physician Member
Member Since: 1992

Professional Bio
Debra L. Monticciolo, MD, FACR, FSBI is a past-President of SBI, serving 8 years on the SBI BOD. During her tenure, she developed SBI’s current committee structure, expanded the education offerings, pushed for an online exchange platform, changed the Board organization, and extensively updated the Society bylaws. Dr. Monticciolo has served as President of the American College of Radiology and served ACR’s Board of Chancellors as Chair of the Commission on Breast Imaging and as Chair of the Commission on Quality and Safety, which oversees all accreditation programs, practice guidelines, and technical standards nationally in the United States. She has also served 2 terms on the FDA’s National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee, which advises Congress on mammography quality issues. In education, Dr. Monticciolo served as Chair of Education for SBI, vice-chair for the ACR Commission on Education, Chair of the American Board of Radiology’s first Final Certifying/MOC examination in breast imaging, and Chair of the first Educational Advisory Committee for the American Institute of Radiological Pathology (AIRP). She is co-founder and lead of the Screening Leadership Group for ACR.
Dr. Monticciolo has served as a reviewer for 11 journals and has given more than 400 invited lectures. Recent publications include the first national guideline for women of higher-than-average risk and the newest ACR/SBI guideline on screening women of average risk, updated in 2021. For her contributions to the field of breast imaging, Dr. Monticciolo was awarded the SBI Gold Medal in 2019.
Dr. Monticciolo has served as a reviewer for 11 journals and has given more than 400 invited lectures. Recent publications include the first national guideline for women of higher-than-average risk and the newest ACR/SBI guideline on screening women of average risk, updated in 2021. For her contributions to the field of breast imaging, Dr. Monticciolo was awarded the SBI Gold Medal in 2019.